How to set rates. Liz Maher
From a member of the HTML Writer’s Guild, basically a
lot of reprinted e-mail from the listmembers who wrote to
him personally and shared their prices. Liz Maher
North Light publishes several good references on pricing
and business procedures. Call North LIghts at 1-800-289-0963
for their catalog. I saw the first two titles at Barnes
& Noble:
“How to Make Your Design Business
Joyce M.Stewart, $21.95
“The Designer’s Commonsense Business
Barbara Ganin, $27.99
“Setting the Right Price for Your Design and
Suzanne Stephens
Why the HTML Writer’s Guild doesn't allow pricing discussion on their
mailing lists. Liz Maher
A page of e-mail messages sent to the author about what they charge,
for what and where (put together by an HTML Writer’s Guild member who
was told, apparently, to take the discussion offline). Liz Maher
The Graphic Artists Guild’s “Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines” is essential reading for any designer. I’ve just ordered the Ninth Edition and am hopeful that it will cover issues facing designers who use computers better than the edition published in 1994. Frankly, I would be surprised if they’ve gotten it together where Web design is concerned since the 1994 edition barely even touched on computer-based design. But even if they don’t, this book will be an essential reference. Sample contracts are included, plus pricing info gathered through surveys of GAG member designers. It’s $29.95 plus shipping and handling and is free to Graphic Artist Guild members. If you can only buy one book about business practices, be sure it’s this one! Suzanne Stephens